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Missing Streams Multi-version Data Dictionary!

Missing Streams Multi-version Data Dictionary!

My list of common Oracle Streams errors I encountered. MISSING Streams multi-version data dictionary!!! Knlldmm: gdbnm =DB1.WORLD knlldmm: objn = 211610 knlldmm: objv = 1 knlldmm: scn = 873-The previous warning indicates that required information for this Logical Change Record is not available in the Streams dictionary. If you have the correct rules, and the changes for the relevant objects are still filtered out by a Streams capture process, propagation, or apply process, then check your trace files and alert log for a warning about a missing 'multi-version data dictionary', which is a Streams data dictionary.


Missing Streams Multi-version Data Dictionary Meaning


Missing Streams Multi-version Data Dictionary 2016

Data dictionary tables can be mimicked instead of translated.

Missing Streams Multi-version Data Dictionary!